"Sir you told me I’d be with a woman you didn’t say it’d be an attractive one," Isaac tells me before approaching Tasha," Mrs. Napier my name is Marquavious and I’m here to fill a void if you’ll have me."

    Isaac/Marquavious, wherever he heard that fucking name, is led or better said dragged upstairs as I sit and wait. I’m in the living room for less than ten minutes when I hear the Tasha upstairs.

    "Oh my fucking god YES," is the scream that echoes down stairs.

    In the time it takes for ‘Marquavious’ to handle business I set up the final pieces to the plan. Make sure my final team is set up and have what they need to pull off their task. Arrange the accommodations for Mr. Weisner and even contact Claire to see how the boys are doing and tell her to expect a call and act surprised. I’m also compelled at one point while I’m waiting to take a knee and say a prayer because I could be in church with the ‘Oh Gods’ and ‘Jesus’ chorus I have trickling down from upstairs and I know the door is closed. At one point I think they’re done but I hear some talking and then some very enthusiastic kissing before the bedroom door upstairs closes and the screaming continues.

    Almost three hours later the door opens and I can tell they are done since there isn’t much kissing but ‘Marquavious’ is sweet and tender before stepping into the garage and leaving me with Tasha who is wearing a bathrobe and barely made it down the stairs.

    "We have a deal Mr. Steward and I’ll keep things on our end taken care of," Tasha says sitting down gingerly on her couch.

    "I will make sure Marquavious is well compensated for the fine work he did with you," I inform her getting tired but meaningful smile.

    I return to my car and we exit the garage and get about a mile down the road when I have to speak.

    "Marquavious?! What kind of fucking name is that," I ask Isaac who starts laughing.

    "Man it’s the most ghetto name I could find," He explains and we both start laughing hard," Do you think the Viagra was too much?"

    "You took Viagra? Are you slipping," I ask and we both laugh.

    "No but I figured to seal the deal and unless you know something stronger that pretty much guarantees a woman will walk funny with the right equipment," my good friend says and we both nearly die of laughter at a stop light.

    I get Isaac back to our hotel and he changes and grabs his packed bag. Too much exposure but he knows the drill and I get him dropped off at the airport and give him his ticket before seeing him off. I return to my room for a nice relaxing few days of watching Claire’s life as things start coming back together and her getting ready to deliver the death blow to Mr. Weisner’s plans.

    Friday afternoon that same week has me sitting in my predestined spot waiting. I know there is a meeting going on inside the main office of Apex Lumber and Distribution and with Ben feeding me updates as Mrs. Montgomery’s situation and the reactions I’m all smiles when I get my green light and step out of the limo and casually walk up to the front to meet Mr. Weisner for the first time. At all of 5’9" and some form of blonde hair replacement and a little extra pounds I am all smiles on the inside but all business as I approach.

    "Mr. Weisner come with me please," I tell him trying to guide him by the arm.

    "Excuse me I need to get somewhere," He says trying to brush me off.

    "Like to the company car that is no longer yours so that you can go back to the company house you’ve been living at that is on company land and you no longer have claim to," I ask and watch him freeze," You have two options Mr. Weisner, one attempt to retrieve your meager possessions or get in the car."

    I leave him with the choice and enter the back of the limo to wait. It isn’t even a minute later that the driver ushers him into the back of the car with me and now we’re facing each other as he looks around like he’s never been in a limo before.

    "Mr. Weisner the people I represent need someone who can build up a business to cut apart competition. You were selected for your skills in what would have been a tremendous take down of Apex Lumber but now with that idea scrapped I’m here to present you with a job," I state as he listens.

    "What kind of job," he asks and I smile.

    "One that will be somewhere the US won’t come looking for you for the charges you now face," I explain and watch him start to panic.

    "I won’t face any charges," He wants to put me off but I have more than enough and simply smile.

    "We know the money laundering, the low balling and money handoffs. All of those are white collar and carry simple sentences but you lose your money," I explain simply," The deal my people are offering is one time only and what you put in to the extraction comes back when you complete the goal they set."

    I hand him an envelope with basics in it, account number, terms of contract and most importantly the price he’ll be paying.

    "Fifty thousand dollars," He exclaims and I wait for him to blow over before speaking.

    "This entitles you to a guaranteed get out of jail and the country in the next hour to a new home in a land where the women speak very little English and you won’t need them to," I smile my predator smile," Now if you want to leave I recommend you note the new arrivals to your old employer."

    I watch his gaze turn to the front of Apex Lumber and his face goes slack and pale as a black SUV pulls up and two people, a man and a woman exit the SUV. They head inside the building and I watch as Mr. Weisner turns his attention back to me.

    "I need a cell phone to authorize payment," He says weakly and I cue up the blue tooth calling in the limo.

    I let him give his numbers and I have the call routed to Jun who doing the work while Lilly plays account manager. We get the green light tell the driver to get us to the airfield. 

    "So I’m where am I going," Mr. Weisner asks as I pour him a stiff drink from the limo’s bar.

    "Honestly I don’t know that, I know that you will still have the bulk of your money when you land and there will be documentation waiting there along with a handler," I inform him and watch his face go puzzled as he takes the drink," A local who knows the area and will help you settle in."

    "And you don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing other than go build up a business to destroy a rival business," Mr. Weisner asks and I nod.

    "We are very compartmentalized here. Granted I wasn’t paid this well when I started but I’m out of asset liquidation and into recruiting and extraction which allows me some creature comforts," I explain taking out a 9mm silenced Glock and Mr. Weisner’s eyes widen," Oh no sir this isn’t for you. I’m waiting to see if someone tries to get between you and the plane you’re getting on. In the event that it happens you run, I don’t care what they say you just run. I’ll handle the rest."

    I watch him remain tense as we pull into the airport and drive straight through to the private hangar I have waiting. The jet he’s going to be flying on has been prepped and I exit the limo as Mr. Weisner follows me and greet the pilots. One show’s Mr. Weisner to his seat and the other smiles as I give him the final instructions before watching the plane taxi out to the runway. I can actually see Mr. Weisner looking out the window at me, I wonder if he’s figured out that we packed him a bag of his own clothing? I hear the rumble of an SUV pull up and I smile before turning to face it. Watch the two agents exit and run up to me just as I hear the engines kick on high and the plane begins to move.

    "Where is the asshole," Jun’s old running buddy Hideo asks in his nice black suit and very business styled hair.

    "He’s the plane taking off, I was hoping we could do the whole you two shooting me thing for him to see before he left but it took you guys too long to catch us," I explain turning to Hideo’s partner, Vicki.

    "Well we saw Ben and had to say hello," Vicki informs me in a snug black suit of her own and her longer hair than she had in our high school days.

    "He need some more support, how’s Pennsylvania," I ask as the plane takes off.

    "Nice save for the assholes but that comes with any city, besides the advertising business allows me good vacation and my inspiration here," Jun tells me pulling Vicki close with an arm around her waist," loves to get out."

    "Honestly Guy we’re happy to help," Vicki says and I smile," So where is he going?"

    "I told him that he’d be somewhere that the US government wouldn’t find him and the women spoke no English because they didn’t need to," I explain and they both stare at me confused as I smile," Mr. Weisner is on his way to somewhere Masha picked it out for me since she has family there that could use a good laugh. They’re going to have him ‘invest’ in their business and let him see what his actual skills worth."

    "So we got a cabin to ourselves for a whole two weeks, thanks for letting us take over the rental car in your name," Vicki says as they get back inside.

    I watch my old friends leave and smile, advertising executive and his live in lover. Not the drug running girl and A/V club nerd I knew but according to my wives I have had a changing affect on people. I am back in my car and send the all clear to Ben who lets me know that he’s back with Claire and packing up equipment now, of all my people Ben is the only one that is on the job as long as I am. He’s the eyes and ears and I need him at all times. I return to Claire Montgomery’s home and as soon as I’m in the front door I see the equipment boxed up and Claire is talking quietly with Ben.

    "I’m just not sure about me," Ben tells her as I listen in.

    "No you’re afraid, my late husband was scared of the whole responsibility thing but he stepped up and died loving our boys. Do yourself a favor and think of your wife and what she wants," Claire tells him and I step out of the hall and grabbing a box load up the van.

    We load up the van and I send Ben packing back to the hotel but he says he’s going home to his wife and I smile as I watch tail lights head down the road. I step back inside when I get a call from Jun.

    "Boss good news and some news, good news is we’re getting paid and I took the bonus and put it down where you asked," Jun says happily and I smile before I hear his voice go from happy to serious," And I got you a refundable ticket to go visit your old friend, what’s your plan?"

    "Honestly I think I’ll keep it simple, just tell the husband that we were hired to do what we did because he was an asshole and give him some proof so they can have a nice blow up over it," I tell Jun as I turn and see Claire standing in her living room with a shocked expression," Jun I’m going to have to call you back."

    "You’re going to go hurt her," Claire asks shocked.

    "Nope, I’m going to go bearing gifts of truth. She was warned, the contract states very specifically a gag order for me, my team and everything we do. I cannot let this slide," I tell her and see her boys looking on from upstairs.

    "But she was trying to help me," Claire says trying to win me over.

    "Claire you’re a good person, you have good children. I’m not a good person but I have a code, you break my code and a price must be paid," I tell her very softly," Meredith broke our agreement, for good or ill she did. I’m all about balance and my scales need balance."

    Claire has no words for it but we say our goodbyes and her boys are happy to see their mom going back to work and not ‘going crazy’ at home. I remind them about helping her out when I note she’s got her cell phone in her hand and is confused.

    "How did that shit head do it," Claire growls and I watch her kids retreat upstairs as I smile.

    "Who do what," I ask and she looks at me with some anger.

    "Fucking Weisner, he put 50k in an account in my boys names, the manager just called me to give me my update," Claire growls and I smile at her till she notices," What the fuck did you do?"

    "I did nothing, but he did just pay fifty thousand dollars to your boys ability to go to college," I tell her still smiling," I mean it technically was him paying for me not to put a bullet in his head and dump his body in a dam turbine but really I think it will be money well spent."

    "Okay I get to move to his old house, I have the company car now so my boys can use mine and you got them college money," Claire asks shocked.

    "Yep, and it took my crew two weeks. What can I say, I love my job," I tell her stepping out the front door," And Claire, keep my number. If you need me or think someone does call me first, don’t just hint drop like Meri."

    Do I drive home in the rental car like Ben did in my business van, no. I have a flight tomorrow to settle unfinished business. I settle into my hotel room for one last night after dinner in at the quiet restaurant they keep in house. I don’t think about tomorrow or seeing Meredith again to settle the difference, no point and I could be nice and change my mind. I could be but the only people who see my truly nice side is my family, including my friends, they are my whole family. I do a light workout to relax my muscles and it does feel good to walk around the room in shorts and nothing else. I can’t do it at home despite the fact that my wives wouldn’t object, it’s about setting an example for my kids. I’m relaxed finally when I get an unexpected knock at my door. I check the lookout hole and shake my head.

    "Hello Mrs. Montgomery, what brings you to my neck of the woods," I ask as I open the door.

    "We need to talk now," She says as I watch her enter passing me and looking around my room," you spend a bit when you travel?"

    "I like to sleep peacefully so that when I work people get what they pay for and the answer is no," I tell her closing the door.

    "No what," Claire asks confused.

    "No I am going to go visit our friend and I am going to tell her husband the truth about what happened," I state and watch Claire’s face sour.

    "You can’t," she pleads and I nod my head.

    "Actually yes I can, the word you’re looking for is probably shouldn’t or should not," I tell her and she give me the ‘woman grumpy’ look.

    "Well you know what I mean. Meredith is a good woman and a good mother," she says and I cut her off.

    "Just like you and she swore she’d keep her word and she signed just like you. So what does that say about good people, that it’s okay they break the rules because they’re helping someone else," I ask and she starts in for her argument.

    "Yes, breaking rules to help someone can be forgiven," Claire states and I chuckle.

    "If that were true then why have rules. Ones that are there to protect people and help them feel safe," I counter and she’s picking up on what I’m doing.

    "You can’t throw a generalization at me with this. Hurting Meredith doesn’t do anything for you personally," She says and I again counter.

    "No but professionally it does plenty, it sets a standard. You cross the bad man with a code that you agreed to and he will take a bit from you that you can never get back. Granted I’m being more than fucking merciful by just telling her husband what we did to him and his gold digging cunt but it should be enough to teach people to keep their mouths shut," I tell her and I can see her wavering.

    "I can’t threaten you, it’s not who I am. I could promise to ruin you but that wouldn’t change you or what you do would it," Claire asks and I agree with a nod," Well then we go with the other way."

    I take note that Claire has a bag in her hand and an unfamiliar coat on, a big buttoned overcoat. I watch as she removes her coat and has on very simple v neck shirt and jeans as she goes into my bathroom and closes the door. I shake my head at it, she’s determined but I’ve had black women before and I shoot a text of what’s going on to Kori for her opinion. It takes a minute or two before they come back with their answer and it’s an odd day when my women tell me to do what’s best but they want details. I’m pacing the floor of the room between the bed and the bathroom when it opens and I see Claire still in her shirt and jeans but no shoes. Her hair is straightened like it’s been this entire time she’s been here but something is off about her. She walks up to me a little unsure and a foot shorter than me as she pulls me down for a toe curling kiss. I start to pick her up as we kiss but she’s got different ideas as I’m gently pushed backwards onto the bed. I’m seated when she takes a slightly authoritative posture.

    "I want you and I want you to leave Meredith alone," Claire informs me and I shake my head.

    "No, you’re an attractive woman but a lesson needs to be learned," I tell her starting to get up and she places a hand on my shoulder to keep me seated.

    "Then let me teach it," Claire says and now I’m interested," I’ll talk to her and I’ll explain it. I’m a part of this now as much as she is and since you like to delegate jobs to others I want this one."

    "Punishment is something that a leader does, not a friend," I tell her and Claire smiles pushing me back a little.

    I watch as she pulls off her shirt overhead and now I’m living a world of contrast she is wearing a white corset against her black skin and it’s barely keeping her breasts up. The pants come down and I’m treated to the matching thong panties. I let Claire guide me onto the bed so that my head is resting on the pillows as she curls up next to me, her body pressed against my side and her leg draped over mine.

    "You give me the job, I’ll scare her, and I’ll make sure she doesn’t do it again. She’s my friend and it’s the least I can do for her," Claire whispers kissing my chest.

    "It’s not your job," I whisper back enjoying the touch.

    "But you’re the boss, you can give me the job," she says lightly kissing her way down my body.

    When she started kissing down my body I had shorts on, I’m not wearing shorts now as I feel them around my ankles on the bed surprises me. The surprise turns to something familiar when I feel Claire’s tongue and lips gently persuading me to get hard. I feel the head of me enter her mouth and Claire begins working me with long slow strokes in and out of her mouth. Warm and stimulating as someone new works me over and it feels good but I tap her on the shoulder and get a look while I’m still in her mouth. I turn my finger around and I feel her grin as Claire swivels around and now I have a big black ass in my face with a white thong. I feel Clair continue working me over with her mouth as I pull the thong to the side ad see a trace of pink in the sea of brown flesh before diving in face first. I make it a point to tongue her hole and feel her shudder with the sensation of me invading. There could be a place for soft and sweet but it’s not here and now as Claire is going hard on me as I’m doing the same to her. She tastes bitter sweet but that’s nothing to dissuade me when I fall free from Claire’s mouth and she pushes back into my face moaning. I hear her getting louder and louder when she pulls away quickly and turns around facing me, the look in her eyes is lust and now she’s over my hips and has a hand on me rubbing the head in between her lips. Claire presses her hips down and I’m treated to a new tightness and warmth as she settles in on top of me, I keep myself still as slowly she rides me letting me feel her warm wet pussy all over my dick. I reach up and pull at the top of Claire’s corset allowing her large breasts to move freely in my hands. I’m massaging her nipples as she rides me with slow long strokes in and out of her pussy. We’re both breathing heavy when she smiles down at me and covers my hands with her own before speeding up. No light playful banter as I squeeze her nipples in between my fingers, Claire is bouncing hard I’m just trying to keep from falling out as she uses the whole length of my cock. We’re going hard when it happens, I fall out and then there something of a quiet moment where we’re both looking at each other and the wrestling match begins.

    It’s playful mind you and I’m smiling as we fight for position of who’s on top. I get Claire on her stomach and throw myself over her ass and when she feels my cock head at her entrance again. I push back inside and start hammering away at Claire using her meaty ass as a cushion. I put my hands over her shoulders, she’s shorter than me by a foot, and use that to brace her in place so she can’t get away. We’re both grunting and panting like animals as I take Clair like an animal hard and as I get close I lower my body down on top of hers resting on my elbows with my forearm under her neck. I bite her ear gently and growl as I feel her clamp down on me and its a few more strokes as I cum hard grunting and bucking into her sweet brown folds. We grind and pant heavily as I have her pinned before I roll off and it’s not two seconds later she starts chuckling.

    "Now I know why a white boy has five wives," Claire tells me and I laugh with her.

    "It was their idea," I reply as she pulls herself to me.

    "I have had sex like that since my husband. That was good," she tells me cuddling in.

    "Well it’s yours if you want it but you need to be very clear on what happens next time because you’ll be there watching as I ruin Meredith’s life," I tell her breaking the mood slightly.

    I watch her nod then smile as she crawls off the bed and grabbing her little bag heads to the bathroom. I wait for a minute and she comes back, still in the lingerie, and sits down on the bed making a phone call.

    "Hello Claire, I know you said you’d call when you could help but it’s really early," I hear a tired Meredith on speaker phone.

    "He’s leaving it to me Meri. Your punishment is in my hands now and you get a warning because if you screw him over I have to come down there or it’s my family, not yours," Claire says to her friend very serious.

    "So we’re okay, he’s not going to ruin Darren and I or our kids," Meredith asks and Claire turns to look at me now.

    "I just got done proving that a black woman with a good ass can win most deals for you but you don’t understand what I mean. If you don’t follow the rules Meri Guy is going to bring me down there, we’re going to take Darren somewhere and he’s going to wish I’d never let him leave the hotel room. I’ll have to come down regularly so your husband can get what the brothers need when they come up to visit me. I’ll personally have to ruin sex with your husband for you and I don’t want to have to do that Meredith," Claire tells her and I’m wide eyed and smiling," Meredith tell us you understand. It’ll happen; I can take a good man and make him a good dog if I need to. You know how many guys in college lusted after my ass."

    "I know Meredith, I’m sorry. Guy she said you’re there, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking before I spoke but I’m thinking now," Meri starts and I smile.

    "Alright Meredith I want you to hold your husband and value what I did for you. I mean really appreciate the bond I helped build because if it comes down to you and Claire I’m sorry but I think she’s going to pick her family over yours. As of now Meredith, we’re good," I tell her and relax back onto the bed.

    Claire and Meredith continue to talk as Claire reassures her friend that it’s over and were good. I shoot Jun a message asking him to please realign my flight for home and let my wives know I’m going to be in and home by noon. Claire ends her call and I am treated to warm dark skinned woman keeping me warm tonight.

    We part ways the next morning after I shower and she needed to leave early. Jun had all my arrangements set up and I’m at the airport waiting to catch my flight when my coworkers start to blow up my device as they’ve seen their paydays. I send a group job well done to all and board for home. Good two weeks and a great payday, not long before we got to send Stuart back to college. I almost feel bad for Richard, his roommate, almost.

Richard: around the beginning of the Claire Job

    God I love skiing, its better when you can fly somewhere and do it while listening to hot women with hot accents tell you about their lives before and after marathon fuck sessions provided by the Richard Abernathy. Back at the family estate in New York, not the city, I’m treated to my father’s usual talks about spending and I show him how I’ve been keeping things down at college so I can spend on vacation. The old man lets me have that one but hands me a notice of inactivity for a cash card, the one I gave Stuart. I check it and see a little bit of use before nothing, nothing in almost three months. He must have hooked up with Stephanie when she came over like she said she would. I like Stuart, he’s smarter than me and he’s got that good guy way about him that screams husband material, I think that’s why Stephanie was interested in him. Yeah he’s huge and a bit of a bad dresser but maybe I need to help with that? I figure I should call him and see about what he’s been up to. I know I screwed around with a couple girls he was into but so what, I’ll throw him some untouched by R.A. and he’ll be better this year, maybe even get him to a gym.

    My call isn’t even going to voicemail, number no longer in service. I call Stephanie and her line rings making me feel a little better when she answers.

    "Richard what are you doing calling? Are you backing in town," Stephanie asks a little quickly.

    "No I’m still at the family home. Tried calling Stuart but his phone must be out of contract since he’s been with you this summer," I tell her smiling," How is the big guy? You mended him pretty good over the past few months."

    "Richard, Stuart is gone," Steph tells me and I freeze.

    "What do you mean gone, he had no plans and his Uncle drives truck for a living. Where did he go," I ask confused and alarmed hoping he’s alright.

    "I don’t know people said they saw him talking to a man in a suit and then there were the goons in his room cleaning it out. I’m scared Richard, what if he did something like hack the government," Steph asks afraid.

    "Stuart is a good guy, he wouldn’t fuck around like that," I tell her but she’s quick to reply.

    "Yeah and you only spent a whole school year fucking every girl he had a shot with even me," Stephanie says and I remember what I did," Not to mention if he found out 
the few girls he’s been with you got to go with him since he was your wingman."

    "Hey I took care of him; he didn’t suffer living with me. You make me sound like an asshole," I growl into the phone getting pissed.

    "Well you weren’t a friend, I wasn’t a friend," Stephanie says before starting to choke up," I hope he’s not dead."

    "Stop with the drama Steph, he’s fine. Probably went back to Montana where his parents are from," I tell her and she cuts me off fast.

    "He’s from Alaska, his parents were Norwegian. Friend? More like he was your stooge," Stephanie snaps at me before hanging up the phone.

    How could I fuck up where he’s from? Where did Stuart go? I got to make shit up to him when we get back to college if he’s there. Please be there man, only real friend I’ve had in three years.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: 





























